Drew Miller
Drafting & Design
Drew P. Miller
Drafting & Design
We build because not all human activity can take place outdoors. We need shelter from sun, wind, rain, and snow. We need dry, level surfaces for our activities. Often we need to stack these surfaces to multiply available space. On these surfaces, and within our shelter, we need air that is warmer or cooler, more or less humid, than outdoors. We need less light by day, and more by night, than is offered by natural world. We need services that provide energy, communications, and water and dispose of wastes. So, gather materials and assemble them into the constructions we call buildings in an attempt to satisfy these needs. - Edward Allen
In the field of Architecture I always found an interest in how architecture and nature can find a balance to create a beautiful form of art as a building. From buildings as tall as skyscrapers to single family homes incorporating natural designs from the site location is not only a creative way to express a buildings features but also a innovative way to implement a building in an already existing site. With a plentiful amount of information between biomimicary to sustainable design, and the use of natural materials that can be used to build a structure keeps me drawn into this focus of architecture and where architecture will go with it in the future.